
2 Giveaways and a Game Night

By Miranda Gonzalez, the Mac Kid publisher for the Mansfield to Burleson area in North Texas December 17, 2019

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a good week and is staying dry. The weather has been wild lately, right?!?  I don't know whether to wear a t-shirt or a jacket, or both in the same day.

Have you entered to win the 3-pack of essential oils from our sponsor yet? Tomorrow is the last day to enter, and there are LOW entries, so you'll have a really good chance of winning. Even if you don't like essential oils, you might have someone in your life that does, and it would make a great Valentine's gift (hint hint!)


I'm also got a pretty cool email last week, Cirque Italia contacted me and wanted to give a family 4-pack of tickets away for one of my readers to see their show for FREE! You'll find details and the link to enter in the following article. It is an animal-free circus, and it looks super fun!

Make sure y'all are entering these giveaways so that I can continue to bring more fun stuff your way!

Last but not least...

I'm going to be hosting another Mom's Game Night! I know there were a lot of you that wanted to come to the last one, but for random reason's couldn't make it. We had a TON of fun with the Mom's that were able to make it, so we wanted to do another one. It will be at the Joshua Young Life center on January 31. Save the Date! I'll be posting more info on the Facebook page soon, so make sure you are following. Check out my Facebook HERE

I'd love it if you all shared Macaroni Kid with your family and friends!

Until next week,
