
The World Has Gone Crazy!

But We WILL Get Through This!

By Miranda Gonzalez, the Mac Kid publisher for the Mansfield to Burleson area in North Texas March 17, 2020

Does the picture above seem like a perfect representation of our world right now, or what?

Schools, libraries, theme parks are closing. Stores are sold out of basic necessities. We are told to keep our distance from people. Some of our jobs and businesses hang in the balance. Meanwhile, the politics and the panic and the information overload seems to be coming at us from all sides.

I'm not going to lie -this is not a picture of me eating spaghetti in the shower- but I can totally relate. And while I didn't take a full dinner to my bathroom, I did hide in there with a king-size chocolate bar a few days ago.

I mean, things ARE crazy, y'all. But you know what else I have seen from all this uncertainty? I have seen a community pull together for each other. All over Facebook, people are sharing resources to help us all get back our footing after the world was shaken up.

Educational resources, information, and even the sharing of diapers and wipes have blessed my heart over the last weekend.

I just wanted to chime in and say, WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT! And I think we will come out the other side of this better than ever.

So take this time to bond with your kids and loved ones, get some extra work done around the house, and yes, even go hide in the bathroom with spaghetti, a chocolate bar, a bottle of wine, or whatever you need to grasp onto your sanity so you can be a better parent for your children in the long run.

And Macaroni Kid Mansfield - Burleson will be right here with you, sharing articles of needed resources and offering an online community on Facebook to be sure that nobody feels too isolated. I am always up to chat, just send me a message!

We are in this TOGETHER!