
Talk to Your Children About Alcohol

Sponsored by REACH Coalition of Johnson County

By Miranda Gonzalez, the Mac Kid publisher for the Mansfield to Burleson area in North Texas July 10, 2020

We all know we should talk to our children about alcohol, but it can be difficult to know how or when is the right time.

This is a topic that is very near to my heart, because I started drinking at a very young age, and it led me into some dangerous situations. Drinking at a young age also opened the door for me to experiment with other drugs, and those drugs became an addiction that took years for me to overcome.

I know it can be hard to talk about drinking with your children, especially if you as an adult like to enjoy a few drinks from time to time. Talking with your children about underage drinking will not make you a hypocrite, it makes you a caring person. We don't let our children drive cars, vote, or join the military before they are old enough to--drinking is the same concept.

Experts agree that talking with your children about alcohol should begin at a young age. Once they have started drinking, your talks will not be as effective, although if your child has already started, it is even more important that you talk about the dangers often.

You can talk about alcohol when you are driving in the car, when you are doing chores together, at mealtimes, or before bed. Your talks don't need to be long, they just need to happen. A few minutes on a regular basis will leave a lasting impact.

Here are a few more tips for talking about alcohol with your children:

-Show that you disapprove of underage drinking

-Show that you care about your child's health

-Talk about the ways to avoid underage drinking if they are in a situation where alcohol is presented to them

Above all, let your children know you care and that they can come to you with any questions they may have. 

For these and more tips on talking with your children about underage drinking, and what to do if you suspect that your child is drinking, visit this website.

Also be sure to follow REACH Across Johnson County on Facebook for more information about preventing alcohol and drug use in your family and community.