
The Sunshine Mayor + Bench Therapy

Meet Al Nixon

By Wendy J Olson May 19, 2022

Have you heard of “The Sunshine Mayor?” 

Al Nixon, 59, has been showing up to the St. Petersburg beach, just outside Tampa, Florida, and holding court at a bench, watching the sunrise for eight years now. He calls his morning watching the sunrise, “life rising,” and believes the way you start your day sets in motion the day itself.

He sat there for years, just taking in the moment when a woman commented that seeing him there each morning reminded her that everything was going to be ok. After that, he felt called to start noticing people, making eye contact and saying hello. He waves at all that pass by, and even holds ”bench sessions” with those who need to unburden themselves.

“Listen and Love” is his motto. 

Listening without judgment or giving unwanted advice and fixing people. He explained that one woman sat with him for an hour just watching the waves roll in before dismissing herself and thanking him for the safe space he provided. No conversation was exchanged. They simply shared the silence.

We have a saying in the mental health community when it comes to the human experience and it’s this, “All people need and desire to be seen, known, loved, and heard.” Holding space for someone to just be present with, to feel safe with is truly a gift, and Al Nixon clearly has it.

Al has been featured in The Washington Post and Reader's Digest, and on the Today Show, as well as several other articles around the nation. Clearly, people are taking notice and we can see why. What a gift Al is to this world and an encouragement to know someone like him exists in this world.

We’d sit on a bench with you any day, sir!