
Thirsty No More! 5 Hydration Hacks Approved by Nutrition Experts

Discover the Best Strategies for Keeping Your Body Refreshed, Energized and Hydrated on Summer

By Karla Andrews, INHC, Mansfield-Burleson MACKID Publisher July 6, 2023

Water is the elixir of life, and it's no surprise that staying well-hydrated can have a profound impact on your overall health. However, despite its obvious importance, many individuals fall short when it comes to meeting their daily water intake.

In a recent study conducted by the CDC, it was revealed that the average American adult consumes around 44 ounces (or 1.3 liters) of water per day. This falls worryingly short of the recommended daily fluid intake, which stands at approximately 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 liters for men.

Keeping your body adequately hydrated is not solely a concern reserved for scorching summer months. Your body requires a certain level of fluids to function optimally, and these needs become even greater when you engage in physical activity, perspire, or even during the breastfeeding journey.

Now, with the summer heat reaching record highs, the risk of dehydration and heat stroke becomes even more pronounced. However, let's not forget that hydration is a year-round essential for maintaining good health.

The exciting part is that there's a treasure trove of simple tricks beyond sipping water that can help you meet your daily recommended fluid intake. The incredible dietitian team at Nutrisense generously shared their top tips to make staying hydrated a breeze. Brace yourself for five fantastic practices that will ensure you're well-hydrated throughout the year.

1.) Hydrating Bites: Munch on Water-Rich Foods for a Refreshing Boost

“Watermelon is my favorite natural summer-hydrator! It's rich in potassium, water (in the name, of course), and vitamin C.

If you need more electrolyte replenishment, say in hotter, more humid weather or after a more intense workout, you can even sprinkle finely ground sea salt on top and enjoy it as a sweet and salty snack.”

—Amanda Donahue, MS, RD, CD

2.) Electrolyte Power-Up: Enhance Your Water with Essential Hydration Heroes

“If you exercise for more than 60 minutes, consider adding electrolytes to water. Through sweat, we lose high levels of sodium and smaller amounts of potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Adding some electrolyte supplements or even a pinch of salt to every eight ounces of water can help you rehydrate and recover from your workout.”

—Kasey Brixius, RDN, CSSD, IFNCP

3.) Zesty Hydration: Infuse Your Water with Low-Glycemic Citrus Delights

“I love to add low-glycemic citrus and herbs to my water to stay hydrated. The flavors make it more motivating to drink!

Mint and Thai basil are two of my favorite herbs to add, and lemons or limes are great low-glycemic citrus options as well. Teas are great too!”

—Jillian Ceasrine, RDN

4.) Sip Steadily: Optimal Hydration Through Mindful Water Intake

“Have a method of naturally tracking your intake like a sizeable 32-ounce water bottle. Drink half to a full bottle first thing in the morning to jumpstart your daily hydration (yes, before that cup of coffee)!

Aim to drink another full bottle during your workout, and avoid drinking water 30 minutes before and after meals to keep your stomach acid balanced and support healthy digestion.

A good rule of thumb to consider when trying to find out how many ounces of water you need per day is to divide your current body weight in half. Remember, if you're active, out in the heat, or sweat often, you will need more!”

—Marie Funk, MS, RD, LDN

5.) Hydration Alarms: Stay on Track with Friendly Reminders to Drink Up

“One easy strategy to help you remember to drink enough water is to build your hydration into your regular habits!

Drink a full glass of water right when you wake up, take a water bottle in the car with you, add herbal tea to your snack routine, and drink several ounces every time you get up to visit the restroom.

You can even set an alarm on your phone to remind you to drink and refill your water bottle. And if you want to track how much you’re drinking or get reminders throughout the day to hydrate, hydration apps can help!”

—Katrina Larsen, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES

And that's it!

Remember, keeping yourself properly hydrated is a key step toward unlocking a vibrant and energized life.  With these tips in your arsenal, you'll effortlessly maintain a well-hydrated body all year long. Get ready to quench your thirst for knowledge and make hydration a piece of cake!