
Fun Ways to Stay Active with Your Kids This Fall in North Texas

Keep your kids active, healthy, and engaged this fall season!

By KARLA ANDREWS, Health Coach & Macaroni KID Publisher September 6, 2024

Fall is the perfect season to get outdoors and stay active as a family. 

With the cooler weather rolling in, it’s a great time to take advantage of the many fitness activities available around Mansfield, Burleson, and surrounding areas like Crowley, Cleburne, Fort Worth, Alvarado, and Keene. 

So, if you're looking to explore nature or participate in local sports, here are some great ways to keep your family moving and promote a healthy lifestyle this fall.

1. Explore Local Parks and Bike Trails

Mansfield, Burleson, and nearby towns are full of beautiful parks and trails perfect for walking, hiking, or biking. Head out to Rose Park in Mansfield, Chisenhall Fields Sports Complex in Burleson, or Bicentennial Park in Crowley to enjoy scenic trails and open spaces where your kids can run and play.

For biking, try Cleburne State Park, which has both easy and challenging trails for all skill levels. The Fort Worth Trinity Trails system offers over 100 miles of trails along the riverbanks, making it a great spot for a family bike ride or walk.

2. Join a Family Fitness Class

Many community centers around the area offer family-friendly fitness classes that are fun and accessible for all ages. The Mansfield Activities Center (MAC) and the Crowley Recreation Center both offer family-oriented classes like Zumba and yoga that you can enjoy together. If you’re in Fort Worth, look into family fitness programs at the Fort Worth YMCA locations, which provide everything from swimming lessons to parent-child fitness boot camps.

Another great option is the Cleburne Senior Recreation Center, which occasionally offers family exercise events, encouraging all generations to stay active.

3. Sign Up for Organized Sports Leagues

Organized sports are an excellent way for kids to stay active while learning teamwork and sportsmanship. Check out local leagues like the Burleson Youth Association, Cleburne Soccer Association, or the Mansfield Youth Baseball and Softball Association (MYBA). These leagues cater to different age groups and skill levels, making it easy for kids to participate and grow their skills.

For those looking for something beyond traditional team sports, consider signing up your child for martial arts classes at Crowley Martial Arts Academy or Keene Karate Studio, where they can develop discipline and physical fitness in a fun environment.

4. Visit Local Rock Climbing Gyms

Indoor rock climbing is a fun and challenging activity for kids of all ages. Check out Dyno-Rock Climbing Gym in Burleson or Summit Climbing Gym in Fort Worth for some climbing fun. These gyms offer walls for all experience levels, allowing kids to build strength and endurance while having a blast. Both gyms offer beginner lessons and family-friendly climbing sessions.

5. Enjoy Fall-Themed Scavenger Hunts

A fall-themed scavenger hunt is a creative and active way to get the whole family moving. You can host a scavenger hunt in your own backyard or visit one of the local parks, such as Alvarado Park Lake or Hulen Park in Cleburne, where your kids can search for items like colorful leaves, acorns, or unique rocks. You can make it educational by identifying different types of trees and plants, adding both fun and learning to the mix.

6. Host Family Sports Days

Make physical activity a regular part of your routine by hosting a weekly "Family Sports Day." Whether it’s a game of soccer at Keene City Park, a friendly kickball match at Burleson’s Bailey Lake Park, or a flag football game at Crowley Bicentennial Park, playing together helps build fitness while creating fun, shared experiences.

7. Attend Local Fun Runs and Charity Walks

Fall fun runs are a great way to get active as a family while supporting local causes. Look out for events like the Turkey Trot or charity walks happening in Fort Worth and nearby towns. Many of these events offer shorter, family-friendly routes, perfect for children. Not only will these events encourage your kids to move, but they’ll also provide a sense of community involvement and achievement.

8. Try Horseback Riding at Local Stables

Looking for something a bit different? Try out horseback riding! Benbrook Stables in Fort Worth offers riding lessons and trail rides for families, giving you a chance to enjoy the great outdoors while trying a new activity. Horseback riding is a wonderful way for kids to improve balance, coordination, and confidence, all while connecting with nature.

With so many family-friendly activities available across Mansfield, Burleson, Crowley, Cleburne, Fort Worth, Alvarado, and Keene, staying active this fall can be both fun and rewarding. So, if you’re exploring the local parks, trying out a fitness class, or getting involved in a sports league, these activities will help your kids develop a love for staying active while promoting a healthy lifestyle.

So, grab your family, lace up those sneakers, and enjoy all the wonderful opportunities to stay fit and have fun together this fall!

*This article is written with the assistance of AI.