

#24126Fort Worth, TX 76124
Phone: +1 (805) 990-1934
Business Hours: Mon–Fri: 9am–5pm Central Sat–Sun: ClosedEmail: info@econautics.orgWebsite: Visit Website


Econautics, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, champions sustainability through urban agriculture, eco-technology, and education, building a greener future for all.

Our mission is to foster solutions that address the interconnected challenges of social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

We are dedicated to empowering communities through innovative practices in urban agriculture, eco-technology, and education, striving to create a world where every individual has access to nutritious food, clean environments, and the knowledge to live sustainably.

  • Inclusive Collaboration—meaningful change is achieved through collaboration. Econautics partners with local communities, governments, businesses, and other nonprofits to ensure our initiatives are inclusive and impactful.
  • Innovation-Driven Solutions—with a commitment to innovation, we continually seek out and educate about new methods and technologies to address sustainability challenges more effectively.
  • Education and Engagement—education and community engagement is prioritized, empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to advocate for and adopt sustainable practices.

We envision a future where sustainable practices are woven into the fabric of everyday life, where communities thrive in harmony with the environment, and where future generations are equipped with the tools and knowledge to maintain and expand upon the foundations we build today.